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Wuxi Cuccy Motor Technology Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu, China
Sản Phẩm chính: Điện Xe máy điện, xe điện, xe đạp điện, xe ba bánh điện, khí xe máy xe máy xe tay ga khí

49cc/70cc harley type gasoline Moped

with pedels or without pedals according to the local market's rule request.

speed can be 45 to 60 km/h at request.

minimum order quanity 84 units/1*20FCL

For montainous regions, 90cc is advised for slope-climbing angle at 35°.


please click on HARLY MOPED as below:

49cc 70cc 90cc 50cc gas moped motorcycle HARLEY MOPED

500w electric bike moped scooter Grillo

500w electric pedal assit moped

with speed at 40km/h or 45km/h

Lithium battery 48V20AH for range 60km

Lithium battery 48V30AH for range 90km

2021-2022 best selling electric moped scooter in latin America

Minimum order Quantity 168 units required by its parts suppliers

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